B'nai Mitzvah Projects

Mitzvah Projects

A bar or bat mitzvah is a very special occasion, and the mitzvah project is an opportunity to live Jewish values of repairing the world and showing compassion for others. JASA's development team works closely with you to create your own unique project that connects to your interests, hobbies, and passions. Participants brainstorm individual projects with JASA's team and then volunteer their time raising awareness, funds, and/or supplies for the 40,000 seniors JASA serves each year. 

Ideas and Opportunities Include (but not limited to):

  • Raising critical funds for JASA's services
  • Creating care packages for homebound seniors or formerly homeless seniors
  • Leading an event/group activity for seniors
  • And much more

Want to get started on your mitzvah project? Reach out to development@jasa.org


(JASANextGen volunteer handed out cards about JASA
and how to donate at their bat mitzvah celebration lunch!